Requirements of Solid Waste Disposal Sites

Following are the major requirements to be considered for any appropriate dump site / landfill:
Technical requirements:
Better planning (based on proper estimation of waste generation rates, population, changes in generation rates and population, diversion factors etc.), proper design and construction (size/ capacity according to requirements, arrangements for leachate and gases recovery, cover requirements, and liners etc.), and continuous maintenance during and after waste filling.
Environmental requirements:
Environmental aspects are the most important aspects in any appropriate Solid Waste Management system. Environmental protection must be considered for all phases of SWM.
Social requirements:
Social acceptance from the communities and other stakeholders, especially people living in the vicinity at shorter distances from disposal sites
Economic requirements:
Ensuring minimum possible overall cost and maximizing the benefits through proper solid waste management.
Institutional requirements:
Capability of responsible institution to manage overall planning, operation, and maintenance of solid waste landfill sites
The above mentioned requirements are essential for a sanitary landfill disposal site.